Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Day 19 of 31: The "R" Word

Today I was at Target and as I was walking through the aisles in the shoes section, this mother was getting upset with her typical child (who was about 7-8 yrs. old) and said to her, "Stop talking like a retard."


I know that some of you fellow momma's are going to be upset with me......but I could not stop and correct her.  I was so appalled by what she said and I KNOW that what I would have had to say would not have been very nice.  For those of you that know me very well,  you know that I am not able to say something nicely but be steaming inside.  I pretty much wear my emotions on my sleeve.

So, at that very moment, even though it would have been a good lesson for the daughter that was standing there, I didn't think it was appropriate to "lay" into that mom.  Because I know that I would not have been too kind about it.

People.........stop using the "R" word!!!

Stop making excuses that you don't mean it in "that" way!  I KNOW that you mean it "that" way because I have said it myself and I meant it in "that" way.

I am not going to act all "holier than thou" and pretend that I have not used the "r" word.  I use to.......that was until I gave birth to my gorgeous baby girl with Down syndrome.  I really didn't think about the word being offensive to others until Madi was born.  And part of that is because I had no one that brought it to my attention.  If someone had stopped me and corrected me about what I said, I definitely would have thought about it in the future.

So, this is me bringing it to someone else's attention........stop using the "r" word!!!

It is offensive to my daughter........and when you mess with my daughter.....momma bear comes out in full force!  So Beware!!!

Here is a great video about the "r" word.  (Need to pause the music at the bottom to hear it)


lovemy3 said...

I think I would have had a hard time explaining how inappropriate it is to say the "r" word. I probably would have ignored it and raged inside too. Otherwise, I would have made a flip comment that would have made me feel worse about myself. I'm guilty of it...I said it before Hailey (and am made at myself for saying it!). Hope tomorrow is a better day!

Michelle said...

I think that is the worst use of this work - when an adult uses it with their own child. I had the same encounter once a few years ago and was floored. So sad :( Stopping over from the blog hop!

teal915 said...

I don't blame you. In that circumstance, it probably would not have gone over well. That mother probably would have just gotten angry that you were correcting her in front of her child.

Unknown said...

I think we all struggle with how far we should go. I didn't correct a sorta-friend of mine one time shortly after my son was born because we were in a group of people and I didn't want to "call her out" (though I'm pretty sure most everyone else noticed that she said it, because they are all friends of mine). We do what we can but we know our limits, as well.

Visiting via the blog hop.