Thursday, June 30, 2011

6 months old and sleeping issues

2 days ago, on Tuesday, Madi turned 6 months old!  Can you believe it?!?!  I can't!  It seems just like yesterday she was born!  Okay, maybe not yesterday but I would say only a couple of months ago.

These are some of the things I can say that she is doing these days.......

Eating solids......really LOVES her veggies.  Starting to tolerate the fruits.

Sitting in a big girl highchair!  This just happened today, actually.  She really hasn't been able to sit in a highchair with a straight back, it's always needed to be able to lean back a little bit.  Not anymore!!!!

Pivoting on the floor!  This is a very new skill......consistently as of a few days ago!  She can pivot on her belly to get a toy on the floor 360*.  (Sometimes both directions but mostly to her right side)

Her prop sitting is getting better and better.  She can sit with her hands on her legs for more than 5 minutes before she topples over.

She is the queen at quadruped position!

She can kneel at the couch with her butt touching her feet for several minutes.  We are working on getting her to push her tush up so her lower and upper legs are at a 90* angle (this might take a while).

We are working on teaching her how to transition from belly to sitting and vice versa.  I can tell this will be a LONG process with these ones.  We are also trying to build up her core strength as much as possible, too.

I am just so proud of her!!!

I haven't taken her in for her 6 month checkup and shots, yet, so I don't know how much she weighs.  But, I will let you know when we do.  I think I have been kind of dreading  this appointment because I know that we will have to go and have her blood drawn to check her thyroid levels.  I have heard horror stories of how hard it is to draw a vial of blood on a baby.  UGH!!!!

We have had a little bit of a sleeping issue the last couple of days with her......basically, since we got home from camping.  While we were camping, it was too hot for her to sleep in the tent during the day so she had quite a few naps with someone holding her or being in the swing.  Well, she now has the mind set that she is not going to sleep unless I am holding her.  Obviously, that is not working for me so well!

I am one of those "crib-people".  I am a "Baby-Wise", scheduled type of moms.  It just works for me and my personality.  Sometimes I wish I was more laid back about it, but it's not my nature.  So, here I am, struggling with a baby that wants to sleep in my arms all day.  I will have to say, though, she still is doing her thing at night without any struggles.  So, really, what am I complaining about, right?!?!

1 comment:

April Vernon said...

Wow! She is so strong! She is doing great! We have never had any trouble getting Levi's blood for testing, so hopefully it won't be too bad. (Thought you needed a good story to balance out the horror stories!)

I am also big on having my kids sleep in their own beds, but admit to breaking the rules some when it comes to Levi. He sleeps in his bed at night just fine, and that is what really matters to me.

Have a great day!