Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Independent Sitting!!!!

This is going to be a post with some SERIOUS bragging!!!!!!

Madi sat independently for about 1 minute today!

During PT yesterday, she sat for about 10 seconds, but today it was 1 minute!

I am so insanely proud of her!!!!

She seems to sit the best when she is playing with her ring.  She LOVES her pink, black and white ring!!

What's funny about all of this, is just last week, I was feeling like she was kind of going backwards with her progress.  She was doing so well prop and tripod sitting and then all of a sudden she couldn't do it.  I was starting to get really frustrated and down.

But, you know, if I recall, this is not the first time that she kind of goes backwards and then all of a sudden she has mastered a new skill.  Maybe this is what she is going to do.

I don't know......I don't care.......I am just really proud of her!!!!

Yeah!  Go Madi!!!


Bonnie said...

Maid, we r so proud of you out here in Hood River! so want to kiss your cheeks in person! We'll keep our hopes up for fall!

April Vernon said...

Hooray, Madi!! That is so exciting! I remember when Levi started sitting up, and how much it made me swell with pride! I had to show everyone!