Monday, February 27, 2012

Cushion Game!

To begin, I am not sure if I have mentioned just how mobile Madi is these days!  She does. not. stop. moving!  She is into everything!  I can set her down in the family room and within seconds she is in the kitchen, opening up the cabinets.  Or her new thing is to make a beeline for the stairs and give mom a heart attack!

Well, since she has this new mobility....... Taylor has a new found interest in her.  They play games "chasing" each other back and forth and our new nightly ritual is bouncing/climbing/acting crazy on the couch cushions.

We take the cushions off the couch and position them so that Madi doesn't fall off the couch when she is catapulted into the air from her sister bouncing next to her.  Every time Madi bounces, she giggles uncontrollably, which is her way of saying.....Do It Again!  Do It Again!

This "play time" that we do every's really just my secret way of getting some PT in with Madi.  She works so hard to keep up with her big sister!  I can already tell that Taylor is going to be the biggest influence on her......whatever Taylor does, Madi is going to do right along with her!

Madi pulls herself up to stand and then throws herself down....just like big sister does!

It is the funniest thing to watch!!  And they LOVE to do it for as long as I let them or until Madi gets hurt.   Sometimes big sis' doesn't realize that Madi is just a baby and you can jump down next to her but not ON her.

It is so great to watch the two of them!

When Madi was first born and we were processing the prospect of having a child with Down syndrome, I often wondered what Madi and her sister were going to be like together.  What was their relationship going to be like?  How was it going to be affected that Madi has Ds?  Would they play together?

It warms my heart watching the two of them together.  You can truly see the love in each other's eyes.  Madi definitely thinks that Taylor walks on water, that's for sure!

The way they interact and play together now....... I can only imagine what it is going to be like when Madi is walking!  Lord help me!!


teal915 said...

Way to go Maddi! And way to use big sister as motivation : )

Anonymous said...

HOW FUUUUUN! i would love to be at your house watching all the action, that looks like a ball! :D sisterly lovin at it's finest!

coloradomamato3 said...

Seriously cute pictures!