Madi is 8 months old today!
It is hard to believe that she has graced us with her presence for 8 months already! It has gone so fast!
Doing her superman pose |
I must admit, though, that I have been a little frustrated with her lately.
She is a HORRIBLE napper!!! She won't sleep unless she is being held or in her carseat in the car. She falls asleep in your arms but the exact moment you get up from the rocking chair or you lay her down, she is wide awake. I have tried laying her down just groggy and not full asleep, but then she just thrashes around and never sleeps. She will do this for 1/2 hour or more. So, I get her up but she really is so tired that she won't do anything. And she's cranky! Then, she gets sooooo tired that you can't get her to sleep even by rocking her. She's beyond the point of no return...

So, I decided today.....on her 8 month birthday.......that we are starting some "tough love" time. As much as it is going to kill me inside.....she needs to learn to sleep on her own for a nap. That's something that I don't understand about her.....she sleeps wonderfully at night. I just lay her down after feeding her a bottle, wide awake, and she goes to sleep and sleeps through the night. Why can't she do this during the day?!?!
If any of you mommas have any advice for me, let me know, PLEASE!!!
This afternoon I had somewhat success....but, I am afraid that it was really just some luck. I laid her down groggy. She thrashed around and cried for about 10 minutes. I went up there but didn't pick her up. I just rubbed her back and after about 5 minutes she feel asleep. Yeah!!!! Like I said, though, I think it was just pure luck. We'll see how tomorrow goes.
Another thing I have been frustrated with her.......she is totally regressing......or something. I know that she goes through these phases where she doesn't progress. But, I feel like she is going backwards. She won't pivot. She won't be in the quadruped position ( and she used to LOVE that position and could be like that for 5 min. straight). She won't side sit, she won't kneel. Sometimes, she barely will sit.
She used to do all these things and now she doesn't want to do any of them. She's not sick. She's not learning a new skill in a different area. She's just doing a whole lot of nothing.
Sometimes I think she just doesn't want to do it......because she's stubborn.....and by, golly, she is NOT going to do it!
I don't know how to break out of this. Her PT doesn't have any suggestions other than try to make things fun for her, don't push her. But, I am feeling frustrated. Any suggestions?!?!
Okay, I am looking at that cute little face smiling above and I feel bad for feeling frustrated!
So.......happy 8 month birthday Madi! And here's to hoping that we have a break through with both the napping issue and the "doing nothing" issue.