Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Madi started daycare/school

I know that I have not posted a lot the last couple of weeks......just been so crazy busy!  I have so many things that I want to share but by the time I finally get around to doing a post, it kind of seems....."after the fact".

A big thing that is going on in our household right now.......Madi has started daycare/school 2 days a week.  This is really a preparation for me for when I go back to work.  I thought Madi was going to have a huge adjustment since she really is a "momma's girl".......but, nope, she is just fine without me.  :(

This is not the school that she will be starting next fall.......The Rise School.  Her sister is already going there a couple of days a week (which that is another post I want to write about).  This is the school Taylor started at when she was 1 1/2.  They are great!

I have been extremely nervous about her starting there......or really, anywhere!  I have been afraid that she is just going to sit around and not really have her therapy done with her.  Mainly because they don't have the time......it's not a one-on-one kind of place.

But, I have to say, I have been very pleasantly surprised!!!!  When she goes on Fridays, there are only 3 kids there in the a.m. and she's the only one there in the afternoon.  So, she gets that one-on-one that I was thinking only momma could give her.

They have had me show them what type of activities we are working on for PT and they are open to trying anything with her.  They just want it to be like her environment she has at home.  As a matter of fact, today we did PT there at the school instead of at home, just so they could learn how to do the exercises with her.  Wow!!!  That's awesome!!!  And the whole time we were there, they were asking all kinds of questions about it!

I couldn't be any happier about the situation there!  I have been dreading the day that she would have to be in someone else's care......because really, who can do it better than a momma!!!  I am sure all you momma's out there would agree!!!  :)

Whew.......got one post done.......now only about a dozen more to go!


April Vernon said...

So glad it is going well! That must be such a relief to you!

Julz said...

That is so awesome Karrie! What a blessing. I just keep seeing these types of things in life that make my heart warm. There are good people out there. And, who could resist helping out Madi anyways?? She is completely adorable!

Melissa said...

Madi is a doll! I'm so glad you left a comment. I love finding new bloggers, especially in CO!

Glad Madi is enjoying school. I think Claire would rather go than stay home with me some days. :) And I'm a bit jealous that she gets to go to Rise. If moving wasn't so unrealistic, I'd do that just so she could go to school there.

Anyway, glad to have 'met' you! I have you added to my blog roll and my reader.