This last week was a very busy and hectic week!
As you already know from my last post, Madi's pulmonary hypertension is gone!!! So, we did the 24 hour O2 challenge. Look at this little face without a cannula!
It's amazing how different she looks without it on!!! We don't know the results of the test yet. I think that she definitely passed for during the daytime hours. Her saturation levels were around 95% when she was feeding and awake. It won't surprise me, though, if she fails the night time portion. I went into her room several times during the night and she was always around 88%. They want her to be above 90%. It's not that big of a deal if she needs to be on oxygen at night for awhile. I just want her to pass the daytime portion.
First time trying solids
I finally got the courage to try solids with Madi for the 1st time. I don't know why I was so nervous about it. It's really kind of silly! I think that it has to do with the fact that so many kiddos with Ds have feeding issues. I just didn't want to have to stress out about something new.
Her 1st time having rice cereal was pretty much as expected........a mess!!!
She did pretty good with it. I am anxious for the ST to come again and work with us on the feeding techniques. She's coming the first week of June. For now, I am just concentrating on actually getting some food in her mouth and not everywhere else!
Pushing up on hands
Little Madi has decided that she is a strong girl now and likes to push up on her hands with her arms straight! We have been working with her on this for about 6 weeks and all of a sudden it clicked with her. Now, she can hold herself up, pushing on her hands for about a minute!
Look at her go!!!!
Taylor and I went shopping for Mark's birthday presents and decided to get all dressed up! We had a girl's day!!
Pretty shoes! |
Taylor got bitten on her cheek this week. read that right......her cheek! Can you believe it!! This is the 2nd time this little girl has bitten Taylor. The first time was on her arm. I have since learned that Taylor is not the only child she has done this to. Thankfully, the skin did not break but it left a nasty mark!
You can see the individual teeth marks!!!
Dance Pictures
Taylor is getting ready for her first dance recital in a couple of weeks. They had class pictures this last week. All I can say is..............too stinking cute!!! I cannot wait for her recital to see all these little girlies with their tutus bouncing around!
Eye Doctor
We had Madi's first eye doctor appointment. We have learned that she is far-sighted (can't see up close). She is right on the border of needing glasses. They want to recheck her eyes in 6 months to see if they have gotten worse or better. I guess her vision can improve in the first couple of years of life.
We used to think that she couldn't see us. She always looked beyond you. We mentioned this to the doctor and he said that she probably couldn't see us. Her vision was probably worse and has improved.
Both Madi and Taylor have bronchitis. Or I guess I should say had. They are both on antibiotics right now. Taylor has been dealing with it pretty good.....hasn't really slowed her down. Madi, on the other hand, has been super sleepy, no appetite and just overall pretty cranky. :( Poor little girlies!!!
I had to throw in some cute random pictures in there, too!!
So, as you can see, there has been ALOT of things going on this last week. Stuff that is both good and bad. This next week should be a little more slower paced. Yeah!!!!