Hope everyone had a great Christmas holiday!!! We celebrated our Christmas a day early, as both Mark and I had to work on Christmas day. Yuck! But, at least the girls are young enough where we don't have to get creative trying to explain how Santa is coming early......we just told them it was Christmas Day!
Here are some photos that highlight our holiday season!
Mile High Down syndrome Assoc. Holiday Party
It was our first year attending the MHDSA Holiday party.......and I really wish we would have went last year! It was great!!! I met a ton of people that I have been friends with on Facebook, but just haven't met in person. It was nice to finally put the face of them and their kiddos to the status's that I read all the time.
Madi and her "cheese-ball" self! |
The girls were enthralled with the guy playing the piano!
Yes, Madi is NOT a fan of Santa. She wasn't last year and I really didn't think she would this year. And judging by her reaction, I won't be surprised if she is not a fan next year, either.
Elf on the Shelf
The Elf on the Shelf craze was a huge hit in our household. We didn't use it as a "threat" to behave, like the book kind of talks about. Taylor got a kick out of looking for the elf in the morning to see "what that crazy elf is up to!"
Movie time with his favorite gal!
Bathroom break time!
Elf got lost on his way home from the North Pole and needed to snag a plane to help him come back to our house.
Barbie marshalled him in on to the runway.
TPing the tree!
Just being his crazy self!
His crew!
Fishing for some gold fish!
Christmas Eve
Our Christmas Eve was a day early too. We did our usual tradition of appetizers, perogies (Ukrainian food) and looking at Christmas lights. This year we went to Hudson Gardens, where they have an amazing light display. I won't bore you with the pictures of the lights, as I haven't quite figured out how to adjust my camera so that they are not blurry.
Taylor left out cookies and milk for Santa.........and carrots and lettuce for the reindeer!
Christmas Day
The day began with.........
........seeing that Santa ate all his cookies and milk and the reindeer ate their veggies but pooped along the way!!!
I tried to be all "pinteresty" (is that even a word.....I don't know....it should be) and make cute "Santa footprints" in flour that led to the basement where their BIG gift was at......but it didn't really work out. So, 2 minutes before they came down, we whipped out the sign from Santa.
The girls were spoiled this year.......and that is putting it lightly. I decided a couple of months ago that I was going to buy one of those indoor bouncy castles for the basement (from Santa) and just have a couple little gifts from us. Well, those couple of little gifts turned into WAY too many! I bought a couple of things but then kind of forgot about what I had gotten and then I bought something else. And then I realized that I didn't have an equal number of gifts for the girls. And I have to be equal. So, then, I was buying more. You get the picture.......
I have loved looking at everyone else's photos from Christmas! It's my favorite holiday of the year and I can't wait for next year already!!!