Wednesday, February 23, 2011

A Great Day!

Madi had her 1st physical therapy session today with the early intervention team.  It went great!!  She was super sleepy in the beginning but she finally woke up and showed her PT, Terra, her stuff!  Terra said she is doing good for about 2 months old.......doing a lot of stuff that typical kids do at this time.  So, here I was worrying the other day over nothing.  I think it's hard because I just don't know what to expect.  The timeline for development is so varied.  For example:  a child with Ds will walk anywhere from 12 months to 48 months.  Okay, that is a HUGE difference in time.  If only we had a magic crystal ball.......

Some other news about Madi is we have discovered that she has reflux.  I guess she has what they call "silent reflux".  She doesn't have the classic spitting up/vomiting so we didn't know that she had it.  She does the classic arching of her back but she usually doesn't do it until 30-45 minutes after eating, which is when we are doing her exercises.  So, here we were thinking she just didn't like the position or movements but it is actually the reflux.  Poor girlie!!!  So, we have started her on Prilosec, so hopefully that helps!

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